
Increase research excellence of INRAP in analytical techniques related to mass spectrometry


Support INRAP’s scientific and technical networking with outstanding research institutions


Improve a high-quality high-value commercial offer around a platform of Analytical Services

About us

TUNTWIN aims to improve research and innovation capacities and stimulate scientific excellence in the field of spectroscopic techniques, mainly for advanced mass spectrometry methods for both inorganic and organic compounds of key application for the Tunisian economy within environment, food and health sectors.

It will reinforce research and knowledge transfer capacity of the “Institut National de Recherche et d’Analyse Physico-Chimique”, (INRAP). The project will develop capacity building of permanent scientists, early stage researcher (ESR) training, enlarge cooperation between academia, industry and stakeholders in Tunisia with a general sustainable framework for research, international networking, mobility and integration in the European Research Area.

Strengthening the experience of researchers and technicians of INRAP, including a new generation of young scientist, will be developed through the cooperation with EU partners of established scientific excellence in the topics and demonstrated experience in economic impact and awareness raising and integration into national policies.


Strengthening of INRAP’s staff will be developed by EU partners of established scientific excellence in target topics (within specific domains: environment, food and health), through 6 case studies, with proven record of experience.

Activities Related to Environment

Activities Related to Food


Activity Related to Health

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